![]() 11/14/2013 at 18:08 • Filed to: Tips | ![]() | ![]() |
It seems Jezza and Hamster had an argument with the French police over their driving privileges. While filming for their newest Top Gear DVD, they were travelling on a French highway at just over 140 km/h (the regular speed limit would be 130km/h) but failed to notice a section of the road was limited to 90km/h.
The French rozzers took their licenses and wallet contents on the spot and suspended the pair from driving in France for 3 months. Oops.
Love the end bit: "Top tip: if you are going to break the speed limit, make sure you're not in France."
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Wouldn't they get a filming permit for the ability to drive that fast? Is that something that can be done?
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No, they usually don't give out permits for breaking the law. If you close the road, you can do what you want (as far as road laws), but it doesn't sound like this is the case. If this were true I would get a lot more filming permits
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He's got a point about wind farms.
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In the UK, even with a closed road you have to stick to the road laws. Although technically the police have the discretion to ignore any breaches.
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They were just doing normal motorway speeds on their way somewhere, and didn't notice it was a stretch of motorway with a lower limit. 90kph is about 50mph, and they got caught doing 80ish mph.
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interesting, out here (US) you can kind of do as you please as long as its cleared in advanced and there are no safety concerns (that would prevent you from getting cleared)
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It dates back to the earliest days of motor-racing, I think. It's why there are no UK road races, and also why things like the Isle of Man TT became so famous.
It's also why British Racing Green. The Gordon Bennett Trophy was, like the America's Cup, held each year in the country who'd won it last. When the English won it, they had to 'host' it in Ireland, so the cars were all painted green out of respect to the Irish flag.
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I doubt they care at all.
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I agree, but it's still pretty funny.
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This is hilarious! Always love to hear Clarkson's opinions on current events. Is this column available online anywhere?
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I'm not sure. His columns appear in a few publications all over the world. This particular one was in the Sun .
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"and wallet contents on the spot". Hmmm?
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I can see taking the licenses, but what was the justification for taking the wallet contents as well?
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Did the Rozza's swing their baguette's at the pair?
Why do I have this image in my mind when I think of french police
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"Love the end bit: 'Top tip: if you are going to break the speed limit, make sure you're not in France.'"
It should just read, "Make sure you're not in France.. All the time."
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The same would happen here in the netherlands. Get busted doing 50 kph over the limit, goodbye license.
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Shakedown. Federale style.
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Coming next season: Top Gear tests Segways in France.
11/15/2013 at 10:13 |
It is incredibly easy to read the article in Clarkson's voice. Damn you Clarkson, get out of my head!
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Sounds legit. The assholes on the metro levy fines on the spot to people who cannot understand that the first car is first class tickets only. seriously? First class seating on SUBWAY?
Get off my damn lawn.
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Damn Frenchists!!
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There's going to be plenty of French mockery in the next series I suppose
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It probably didn't help that the british and the french have a history for... getting into a scruff with each other
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In typical French fashion , it was actually the French police who lost the licenses...
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The wallet content is about their cash only, not plastic or any personal stuff. My guess is that the actual fine was higher than what they had in their wallets. Doesn't sound too unreasonable, you don't send foreigners a fine at their foreign home where you have no jurisdiction, they have to pay on the spot.
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I love Clarkson - this is why he is on the side of my truck.
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ummm... because they're French
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I suppose fat Brit TV presenters just have their mistresses go to the fridge for them.
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Ontario has the same policy, AND they impound your car, AND they automatically charge you with street racing.
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It is very easy to get out of paying a traffic fine if you get ticketed abroad. By taking their money on the spot they solved this issue.
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Damn and blast the FIA.
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wow. Like Jezza needs any more reasons to hate on the french.
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In the UK, it goes from around 20MPH over to 30MPH over depending on the speed limit. If you're doing over fifty in a thirty area, you'll probably get banned; same story if you're going over a hundred in a seventy.
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Would love to see a situation like this where they just go full action movie and the support team keeps filming.
RH: The frenchies are after us...
JC: Arghh.
RH: What should we do?
JC: I'm in an F12, you're in Huayra, & the film crew is in Cayenne Turbo. Run for the Italian Border.
JC: There's no way the Italians dont let us in with a Ferrari and Pagani....
RH: (looks at camera) Jezza has lost his mind...but I think he's right?
Cue the awesome Music/video montage
Film crew pinched at the italian border (not fan of zee german porsche)
EPIC FILM I'd actually purchase.
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non vimeo link here
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Is that available at the Top Gear store and is there a Stig's helmet available?
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I got it here where I also got my oppo sticker. Don't see a stig helmet but from what I hear these fellow enthusiasts will make anything up for you. http://www.etsy.com/listing/128677…
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It sounds unreasonable to those of us in the States who are used to due process protections.
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I wonder where the licenses went. They're the property of the UK government after all.
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i'm sure Jeremy was polite, and no French demeaning comment was said or inferred.
bahaha. yeah not much.
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Thank you
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also, hamster driving a gt3? How are we supposed to tell apart the different road trip episodes if hammonds always driving a porsche.
I think his record goes something like this: Porsche, Porsche, Pickup, Porsche, Porsche, Porsche, Porsche, Porsche, Porsche, Challenger, Porsche, Porsche, Porsche, Porsche, Porsche, Viper, Porsche, Porsche, Porsche.
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That justifies taking any cash they have. It doesn't justify taking their wallets and everything else in them including their license. 31mph over the limit is pretty excessive and may even merit revoking a license. That still doesn't revoke their license to drive in England. How do they get out of France without ID?
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funny, Ive met lots of French people. and yet, that stereotype is still hardcoded in my brain.
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Funny that. Segway was owned by a britishman before he passed away in 2010.
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To be fair, that's way skinnier than a lot of Americans.
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They're gonna get it worse than the morris marina
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A permit to break the law? I don't think so.
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Where do they think they are, the US?
I love Top Gear, but kudos to the French police for not giving them a break just because they're famous. If they want that, they should come over here, especially New York and California. Mexico would work too.
Cue the French/British jokes
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Think of it like the transport stages of a rally event.
You may have a film permit for XYZ section of road, but you have to get TO that area first - and that's where they got nailed.
Somewhat similar to Colin Mcrae getting a $1419 fine - and having to let his co-driver drive the remainder of the transport stages - in Australia some years back (98 if memory serves correctly), for not realising the area he was in was only a 60 km/h road, and not the 110 he thought it was.
(p.s. how does one go about getting removed from the grey list here anyway?)
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And also banned to be driving anywhere near Argentina in 3, 2, 1...
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Looks like it pays off to be Captain Slow.
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Don't forget the Dodge Ram:
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I agree with this script.
You should send it to Top Gear ASAP!
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Going by the tone of the article, probably not as much as you'd expect.
I think even Clarkson would admit that 50+ km/h over the speed limit is a bit reckless on an open public road.
Ridicule for poorly posted speed limits however - I'd expect a lot of that for sure.
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That's just being overly mean
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I don't think it was an actual motorway. There are a few places where it seems like a motorway, 3-lane roads but are actually "Route Nationale" which is indeed limited to 90kph.
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Ah, in the netherlands we've got something called 'article 5'. It means that if the police officer deems your behaviour reckless and overly dangerous, you'll be sent on a road rehabilitation course. You'll have to pay 800 euros, get a non-negotiable date at which the course takes place, and then you have to actively show regret for your behaviour. If you fail to comply, you won't get your license back.
You really have to act like a complete jackass to be booked for article 5 though.
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I know he used to write a weekly car review and opinion piece in the Sunday Times. Not sure if he does anymore.
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Meh. What happens when a US police officer catches you driving while demonstrably drunk? Can you continue on your way? I'd bet you can't. When caught burglarizing do they merely write down your name and let you go? This is quite the same. We're not talking about a minor offence here, they breached the speed limit by 50+ an hour, were caught red handed and were seen as actual safety hazards.
I'm not familiar with French law, but where I'm from if you're caught red handed doing 50+ over (49 over is merely a fine) you lose your license immediately until a court determines you can get it back. The amount of time this takes obviously depends on your priors and other factors. I think it's quite reasonable.
edit : I guess you meant the cash. Imagine there's a French tourist driving in the US. He breaks the law and rightfully gets a hefty fine, one day before he flies home. Do you think he'll pay the fine, ever? Obviously not, the US has no jurisdiction in France and as long as the person doesn't return to the US there's no reason for him to pay. It would result in foreigners being able to break laws without being held accountable. The obvious fix is that you as a foreigner pay on the spot, and can fight this in court afterwards. In smaller countries where lots of foreigners use the highway (see: Europe) this is quite relevant.
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Just wonderful. As if the Brits need any further justification to hate the French.
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Anything upwards of 30kph above the speed limit and the Police will take you license from you on the spot. Since they are English, they had to pay on the spot, that's why they where penniless. They didn't actually take their wallets and they returned the driving licence afterwards.
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I never argued their licenses shouldn't have been suspended.
Losing your license (a state granted privilege) is not the same as taking someone's private property (money) on the spot. Where I'm from, you have to be found guilty of the offense before that can happen.
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In france is anything above 30kph (-5 kph removed to counter any "problem" with the means of measuring the speed. If the machine says 135, you are ok since they count it as 130.) means you loose your driving on the spot, a costly "PV" and you get a free ride to the courthouse.
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Wait... the fine was "whatever was in their wallet?"
When did the French police start treating speeders the same way the Cancun police treat drunk college students?
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Oh, the fine men and women of the french police-force are all about relieving people of their wallet contents, I mean what would you want with all that cash for, when it can keep the water coolers full of wine in the local police station for the coming month instead?
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He actually LOVES France. He said once that when its he's turn to choose location, he usually picks France.
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You are missing Mustangs and Corvettes.
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They are anonymous in France, they wouldn't give a damn of who you are anyways.
Edit : When I mean "who you are" is when you are getting a ticket.
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Right, I caught my misinterpretation of your words already. I edited my initial reply.
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They can do something with this. There's definitely some comedic value and novelty making Jezza and Hamster ride shotgun for once while substitute drivers take the wheel of their cars, while all the while Slow gloats about how he's able to actually drive his car. The substitute drivers could be Stigs; they could be rally legends; hell, they could be their mothers...or SPOUSES.
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In France, you have 12 points on your license, speeding laws are like this :
0-20kph over speed limit = 68€ 1 point on your driving license
0-20kph over in city = 135€ 2 points
20-30 kph = 135€ 2 points
30-40 kph = 135€ 3 points
40-50 kph = 135€ 4 points, but fine can go up to 1500€ and your license suspended if the cop judges he has to (EXTREMLY rare, but possible)
50kph+ = 6 points, suspended license with fine from 135€ to 3750€
50kph + having being caught doing 50kph+ in the last 5 years = Cancelled license, and fine from 135€ to 3750€.
Conclusion : when you are driving in France, you must use Coyote or Waze applications on your smartphones, it's just a lifesaver.
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This is what I rock on my car:
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Should have painted the cars to look like German war machines, as proved in the past the french don't stop germans but they do take table reservations!
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Off topic, but love this Falklands reference!
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Sounds a lot like Virginia
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Here you go - his Sunday Times column....
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Still there!
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I love (hate ?) Jezza as much as the next guy, but the fact is there's plenty of fatties in the UK.
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but i thought euro roads had the best speed limits and we were stuck going slow in america right?
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Just a simple hint of a invasion, should have the French cops surrender their weapons...
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"but failed to notice a section of the road was limited"
Someone needs to invent a stripping system that alerts you to the current speed limit so you always know. The last ticket I got was because of a drop from 65mph to 45mph on a divided four lane in the middle of Nowhere, Texas. I missed the sign because a semi obstructed my view. (Technically, I didn't get a ticket since the town dismiss the charge after thirty days for an extra $120 processing fee....)
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Yes but the difference is you go to court, you're not left stranded with an empty wallet. Not brilliant from an oversight/police corruption point of view either, but then I wouldn't be surprised if in this particular case the cops did it because they knew there was a film crew on hand to take them and the cars away. I can't really imagine even the French leaving say, a family stood beside the Autoroute .
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Rozzers. Just sayin'.
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Should be good now. Just remember the two rules:
1) Don't be a dick
2) Seriously, don't be a dick
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Yeah, you don't want to mess too much with speed limits here in France.
However I think the arguing is what made them loose their licenses. Hundreds of nutcases drive like assholes on French roads with UK licenses, and they never get it taken away from them.
Or you can try to speed away from the cops. But they will hunt you down with this:
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haha love it - epic - however if May were in the supercar shootout he'd be the voice of reason (boooooo) - but probably in a Lambo...
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The French really suck when it comes to driving. I say choose Italy as a filming location whenever you can.
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It is an arbitrary and stupid law. And arbitrary and stupid laws should be ignored.
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Isn't there a Pagani in there somewhere?
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didn't the two of them get detained for a few hours in the italian riviera because a cop thought they were driving stolen ferrari's en route to monaco?
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So the next Top Gear DVD will have them seeing who can get the fastest bus ride then?
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On-the-spot fine? When did Mexican Federales start working in France?
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Bahahaha, I absolutely hate Jeremy Clarkson, so him losing his license makes my day better.
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I should really stop responding to French jokes since it's getting me nowhere, but I must say that apart the first one, all the jokes are appalling neither clever, remotely true or even a tiny bit funny.Don't mistaken me America I have no grudge against you... but that one.
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You really should add "in France" to the title..
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Ah, you must be That French Guy... ;)
Don't worry, we can still be friends, I LOVE french fries!
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Read the article again, they were going 50 clicks over which is just over 30 MPH over.